The Water Lab offers nationwide sampling to our customers. Our sampling methods comply with the most up to date regulations ensuring that the sample taken is representative.
The quality of the sampling technique is inherent to the actual quality of the data revealed. If this is not carried out to the highest degree, then no matter how accurate the laboratory analysis is, it can never demonstrate the actual real water quality.
We employ sampling engineers to use various methods for sampling for chemical and microbiological parameters in a range of situations. This can vary from a domestic tap to river water to groundwater. We use sampling rods, bailers, submersible pumps, voc vials etc.
We have undertaken sampling work contracts on numerous large scale projects for a number of large clients. These contracts have included very intense workloads including Saturday and Sunday sampling and analysis and early morning and nighttime also. We can cater for your needs no matter what they are.
We can also carry out kick sampling, which is typically a two minute sampling technique to collect macro invertebrates for further analysis. This is particularly important to ensure various habitats are collected.
To ensure the sampling of the water in question is accurate, then let us take that representative sample for you. All you have to do is contact us.